By Dr Neil Flanagan
Most people would like to live longer. In fact, given the attention it receives, adding years to life seems to be popular. There's even an Annual World Congress on Anti-Aging Medicine whose focus seems to be how to add years to life. At the 23rd one (Las Vegas 2015), for example, 122 to 150 years of age was considered to be possible.
According to those in the know, when it
comes to living longer we have three main choices. The first choice is to live life without any interventions. It's considered that if we make this choice, we can expect to live, on average, to about 82 years. Heart attacks, strokes, Alzheimer's, urinary issues, memory loss, depression, and arthritis are considered to be the most common contributors to achieving room temperature before reaching this number.
Let's call the second choice healthy ageing. We're told that if we make this choice, we should be able to reach an age of about 100 years. Quitting smoking; positive thinking; meditation; exercising; a healthy diet; plenty of fresh, clean air; and daily doses of sleep are considered to be essentials and are messages that are probably familiar to you if ageing healthily is your choice.
A third choice can extend your life by several decades. In addition to a bit of personal discipline - watching what you eat, exercise, and all that stuff - the more intrusive means such as hormone replacement therapy, stem cell therapy, telomerase activators, and organ transplants need to be considered. This choice will require that you take the appropriate supplements and, of course, find a suitable donor.
Keep in mind, however, that thousands of years age Seneca reckoned that living longer was a waste of time unless adding life to those extra years was included.
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